Black Girls and Education
Published Work
Seen and heard: Exploring inclusion with a focus on the experiences of black girls in independent schools. [Public]
Jacobs, C.E. & Weber, R.
Jacobs, C.E. & Weber, R. (2020). Seen and heard: Exploring inclusion with a focus on the experiences of black girls in independent schools. Independent School magazine. Summer 2020 issue.
Developing the “oppositional gaze”: Using critical media pedagogy and black feminist thought to promote black girls’ identity development.
Jacobs, C.E.
Jacobs, C.E. (2017). Developing the “oppositional gaze”: Using critical media pedagogy and black feminist thought to promote black girls’ identity development. The Journal of Negro Education, 85(3), 225-238.
Identity in formation: Black girl critical literacies in independent schools.
Jacobs, C.E.
Jacobs, C.E. (2019). Identity in formation: Black girl critical literacies in independent schools. In J. Jordan-Zachery & D. Harris (Eds.) Black Girl Magic Beyond the Hashtag: Twenty-First Century Acts of Self-Definition. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press.
Remember, black girls aren’t doing “just fine”: Supporting black girls in the classroom.
Jacobs, C.E.
Jacobs, C.E. (2018). Remember, black girls aren’t doing “just fine”: Supporting black girls in the classroom. In E. Moore Jr., M. Penick-Parks, & A. Michael (Eds.) A guide for white women teaching black boys. Corwin.
Book Review of Hip hop’s li’l sistas speak: Negotiating hip hop identities and politics in the new south, by B.L. Love
Jacobs, C.E.
Jacobs, C.E. (2013). Book Review of Hip hop’s li’l sistas speak: Negotiating hip hop identities and politics in the new south, by B.L. Love (2012). Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 44(3), 336-337.
Investing in the Educational Success of Black Women and Girls
Patton, L.D., Evans-Winters, V., & Jacobs, C.E.
Patton, L.D., Evans-Winters, V., & Jacobs, C.E. (2021). (Eds.) Investing in the educational success of black women and girls. Stylus Press. https://styluspub.presswarehouse.com/browse/book/9781620367971/Investing-in-the-Educational-Success-of-Black-Women-and-Girls